Horizon Europe: Obertes les convocatòries del clúster 1 “Health”

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imageLa Comissió Europea ha publicat el nou programa de treball d’Horizon Europe del Clúster 1 Health pel període 2021-2022. Algunes convocatòries ja estan obertes.

L’objectiu d’aquest clúster és contribuir a quatre àrees d’impacte del pla estratègic: una bona salut i una atenció sanitària accessible de qualitat; una UE resistent preparada per a amenaces emergents; serveis digitals d’alta qualitat per a tothom; i una economia de dades competitiva i segura.

Més concretament, el clúster 1 té com a objectiu contribuir als següents objectius específics (destinations) següents:

  • Destination 1 – Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society
  • Destination 2 – Living and working in a health-promoting environment
  • Destination 3 – Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden
  • Destination 4 – Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care
  • Destination 5 – Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society
  • Destination 6 – Maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health-related industry

Les següents convocatòries, corresponents a l’any 2021, estan obertes:

Staying Healthy

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-STAYHLTH-01-02: Towards a molecular and neurobiological understanding of mental health and mental illness for the benefit of citizens and patients
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-STAYHLTH-01-03: Healthy Citizens 2.0 – Supporting digital empowerment and health literacy of citizens
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-STAYHLTH-01-04: A roadmap for personalised prevention

Environment and Health

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-01: Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-02: Indoor air quality and health
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-03: Health impacts of climate change, costs and benefits of action and inaction

Partnerships in Health

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-03-01: European Partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals (PARC)

Tackling diseases

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-01: Improved supportive, palliative, survivorship and end-of-life care of cancer patients
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-02: Building a European innovation platform for the repurposing of medicinal products
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-03: Innovative approaches to enhance poverty-related diseases research in sub-Saharan Africa
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-04: Clinical validation of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for treatment and care
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-05: A roadmap towards the creation of the European partnership on One Health antimicrobial resistance (OH AMR)
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-06: Building a European partnership for pandemic preparedness
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-07: Personalised medicine and infectious diseases: understanding the individual host response to viruses (e.g. SARS-CoV-2)

Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-CARE-05-01: Enhancing quality of care and patient safety
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-CARE-05-02: Data-driven decision-support tools for better health care delivery and policy-making with a focus on cancer
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-CARE-05-04: Health care innovation procurement network

Tools and technologies for a healthy society

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-TOOL-06-01: Smart medical devices and their surgical implantation for use in resource-constrained settings
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-TOOL-06-02: Next generation advanced therapies to treat highly prevalent and high burden diseases with unmet medical needs
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-TOOL-06-03: Innovative tools for use and re-use of health data (in particular of electronic health records and/or patient registries)

A competitive health-related industry

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-IND-07-01: Green pharmaceuticals
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-IND-07-02: Development, procurement and responsible management of new antimicrobials
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2021-IND-07-03: Promoting a trusted mHealth label in Europe: uptake of technical specifications for quality and reliability of health and wellness apps.

Tal com es va publicar al butlletí, la Comissió Europea organitza jornades informatives sobre els clústers. La sessió sobre Health tindrà lloc el 2 de juliol de 2021.

El termini per a la presentació de sol·licituds és el 21 de setembre de 2021.

Per a qualsevol consulta podeu contactar amb la Ruth Babington, de l’Oficina de Recerca i Innovació (rbabington@rectorat.url.edu).

+info: Work Programme, Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal