Obertes les convocatòries del Repte Social 7 “Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens” de l’últim any del programa Horizon 2020

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imageLa Comissió Europea ha obert les convocatòries del Repte Social 7 Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and it citizens de l’últim programa de treball corresponent amb 2018-2020.

Treballant per mantenir un nivell alt de seguretat per ciutadans europees és un objectiu dels Tractats i és una responsabilitat europea comuna. La importància de l’agenda de la Unió de Seguretat ha estat ressaltada en la comunicació de la Comissió del 20 d’abril de 2016 i pel posterior nomenament d’un comissari per a la Unió de Seguretat. La majoria d’Estats Membres depenen íntegrament d’Horizon 2020 per cobrir les seves necessitats per solucions innovadores de seguretat.

Les Àrees Focus donaran suport a la implementació de les prioritats de la Unió de Seguretat : reaccionant a i recuperant-se de desastres naturals i provocats per persones; prevenint, investigant i perseguint crim incloent-hi el crim organitzat i terrorisme; millorant seguretat a les fronteres; protegint infraestructura contra amenaces naturals o provocat per persones, incloent ciberatacs; seguretat digital; protecció de dades i privacitat; recerca de l’espai.

Les següents convocatòries, corresponents a l’any 2020, estan obertes:

Protecting the infrastructure of Europe and the people in the European cities

  • SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020 Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure in Europe

Artificial Intelligence and security: providing a balanced assessment of opportunities and challenges of Law Enforcement in Europe

  • SU-AI01-2020 Developing a research roadmap regarding Artificial Intelligence in support of Law Enforcement
  • SU-AI02-2020 Secure and resilient Artificial Intelligence technologies, tools and solutions in support of Law Enforcement and citizen protection, cybersecurity operations and prevention and protection against adversarial Artificial Intelligence
  • SU-AI03-2020 Human factors, and ethical, societal, legal and organisational aspects of using Artificial Intelligence in support of Law Enforcement

Disaster Resilient Societies

  • SU-DRS01-2018-2019-2020 Human factors, and social, societal, and organisational aspects for disaster-resilient societies
  • SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies for first responders
  • SU-DRS03-2018-2019-2020 Pre-normative research and demonstration for disaster-resilient societies
  • SU-DRS04-2019-2020 Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) cluster

Fight against Crime and Terrorism

  • SU-FCT01-2018-2019-2020 Human factors, and social, societal, and organisational aspects to solve issues in fighting against crime and terrorism
  • SU-FCT02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies to enhance the fight against crime and terrorism
  • SU-FCT03-2018-2019-2020 Information and data stream management to fight against (cyber)crime and terrorism
  • SU-FCT-04-2020 Chemicals, intelligence, detection, forensics

Border and External Security

  • SU-BES01-2018-2019-2020 Human factors, and social, societal, and organisational aspects of border and external security
  • SU-BES02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies to enhance border and external security
  • SU-BES03-2018-2019-2020 Demonstration of applied solutions to enhance border and external security

General Matters

  • SU-GM01-2018-2019-2020 Pan-European networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security
  • SU-GM02-2018-2020 Strategic pre-commercial procurements of innovative, advanced systems to support security

Cybersecurity, Digital Privacy and data protection

  • SU-DS02-2020 Intelligent security and privacy management
  • SU-DS03-2019-2020 Digital Security and privacy for citizens and Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro Enterprises
  • SU-DS04-2018-2020 Cybersecurity in the Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES): an armour against cyber and privacy attacks and data breaches

El termini de presentació de propostes finalitza el 27 d’agost de 2020.

Per a qualsevol consulta podeu contactar amb la Ruth Babington, de l’Oficina de Recerca i Innovació (rbabington@rectorat.url.edu).

+info: Work Programme, Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal