La Comissió Europea ha obert els terminis de les convocatòries que estaven pendents del Repte Social 3 Secure, clean and efficient energy per l’últim any del període 2018-2020.
El programa de treball dona suport a les accions de la recerca, la demostració, la innovació i la captació del mercat a diferents sectors energètics baixos en carboni, preferentment, en les prioritats principals de l’Energy Union Strategy: energia renovable; sistemes d’energia intel·ligents; eficiència energètica; i com a prioritat addicional, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS).
Les següents convocatòries, corresponents a l’any 2020, estan obertes:
Buildings in energy transition (B4E)
- LC-SC3-B4E-2-2020 Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the building sector
- LC-SC3-B4E-3-2020 Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment
- LC-SC3-B4E-4-2020 Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification
- LC-SC3-B4E-11-2020 Financing for energy efficiency investments – Smart Finance for Smart Buildings
- LC-SC3-B4E-12-2020 National roundtables to implement the Smart Finance for Smart Buildings initiative
- LC-SC3-B4E-13-2020 Aggregation – Project Development Assistance
- LC-SC3-B4E-14-2020 Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand side
Global leadership in renewables
- LC-SC3-RES-3-2020 International Cooperation with USA and/or China on alternative renewable fuels from sunlight for energy, transport and chemical storage
- LC-SC3-RES-20-2020 Efficient combination of Concentrated Solar Power and desalination (with particular focus on Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region
- LC-SC3-RES-34-2020 Demonstration of innovative and sustainable hydropower solutions targeting unexplored small-scale hydropower potential in Central Asia
- LC-SC3-RES-25-2020 International cooperation with Japan for Research and Innovation on advanced biofuels and alternative renewable fuels
- LC-SC3-RES-36-2020 International cooperation with Canada on advanced biofuels and bioenergy
Smart and clean energy for consumers
- LC-SC3-EC1-2018-2019-2020 The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions
- LC-SC3-EC-2-2018-2019-2020 Mitigating household energy poverty
- LC-SC3-EC-5-2020 supporting public authorities in driving the energy transition
Smart Cities and Communities
- LC-SC3-SCC-2-2020 Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for urban energy transitions
Enabling near-zero CO2 emissions from fòssil fuel power plants and carbon intensive industries
- LC-SC3-NZE-5-2019-2020 Low carbon industrial production using CCUS
- LC-SC3-NZE-6-2020 Geological Storage Pilots
Cross-cutting issues
- LC-SC3-CC-1-2018-2019-2020 Social Sciences and Humanties (SSH) aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition
- LC-SC3-CC-7-2020 European Energy and Climate Modelling Forum (2020-2024)
El termini de presentació de propostes finalitza l’1 de setembre de 2020.
Per a qualsevol consulta podeu contactar amb la Ruth Babington, de l’Oficina de Recerca i Innovació (
+info: Work Programme, Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal