Obertes les convocatòries 2020 del Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme de la UE

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imageL’objectiu del Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme és contribuir al desenvolupament d'una àrea on es promogui i protegeixi la igualtat i els drets de les persones, tal i com estan recollits en el tractat, la Carta i les convencions internacionals sobre drets humans.

Les següents convocatòries estan obertes:

  • REC-RCHI-PROF-AG-2020 Call for proposals on capacity-building in the area of rights of the child. Deadline: 29/04/2020
  • REC-RCIT-CITI-AG-2020 Call for proposals to improve the awareness on EU citizenship rights and inclusion of mobile EU citizens and to support coordination among national authorities competent in electoral matters. Deadline: 01/04/2020
  • REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2020 Call for proposals to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women. Deadline: 01/04/2020
  • REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2020 Calls for proposals to promote the effective implementation of the principle of non-discrimination. Deadline: 01704/2020
  • REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2020 Call for proposals to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance and to monitor, prevent and counter hate speech online. Deadline: 15/04/2020
  • REC-RGEN-WWLB-AG-2020 Call for proposals on closing gender gaps over the life-course. Deadline: 01/04/2020

+info: Funding & tender opportunities; Rights, Equality and Citizenship Work Programme