Obertes les primeres convocatòries del Repte Social 2 de l’últim any del programa Horizon 2020

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imageLa Comissió Europea ha publicat el nou programa de treball de l’H2020 del Repte Social 2 "Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy", per a l’any 2020, del període 2018-2020.

El programa està enfocat a 5 grans prioritats:

  1. Abordar el canvi climàtic i la resiliència a la terra i el mar.
  2. Fer la transició a la bioeconomia circular.
  3. Incorporació d’ecosistemes funcionals, sistemes d’alimentació sostenibles i estils de vida saludables.
  4. Impulsar innovacions en la terra i en el mar – nous productes, cadenes de valor i mercats.
  5. Desenvolupar territoris i cadenes de valor connectats i intel·ligents a àrees rurals i de costa.

La informació sobre el repte, l’abast i l’impacte de cada convocatòria es pot trobar al Work Programme 2018-2020 i a la pagina web Funding and Tenders Opportunities.

Per trobar la convocatòria, s’ha de fer clic a Search funding and tenders, escriure Horizon 2020 com a programa i cercar a l’apartat de Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy on hi ha l’opció de filtrar la cerca per convocatòries obertes (open).

Les següents convocatòries, corresponents a l’any 2020, estan obertes:

From functional ecosystems to healthy food

  • SFS-01-2018-2019-2020 Biodiversity in action: across farmland and the value chain
  • SFS-02-2020 Healthy terrestrial livestock microbial ecosystems for sustainable production
  • SFS-04-2019-2020 Integrated Health approaches and alternatives to pesticide use
  • SFS-05-2018-2019-2020 New and emerging risks to plant Health
  • SFS-06-2018-2020 Stepping up integrated pest management
  • SFS-10-2020 Epidemiology of non-EU-regulated contagious animal diseases: from integrated data collection to prioritisation
  • SFS-13-2020 Genome and epigenome enabled breeding in terrestrial livestock

Environment and climate-smart food production and consumption

  • SFS-21-2020 Emerging challenges for soil management
  • LC-SFS-22-2020 Forest soils Research and Innovation Action

Building capacities

  • SFS-28-2018-2019-2020 Genetic resources and pre-breeding communities
  • SFS-30-2018-2019-2020 Agri-Aqua Labs

Targeted international cooperation

  • CE-SFS-36-2020 Diversifying revenue in rural Africa through bio-based solutions
  • SFS-35-2019-2020 Sustainable Intensification in Africa
  • SFS-40-2020 Healthy soils for healthy food production

Blue Growth

  • BG-07-2019-2020 The Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative
  • BG-10-2020 Fisheries in the full ecosystem context
  • BG-11-2020 Towards a productive, healthy, resilient, sustainable and highly valued Black Sea

From farm to society: understanding dynamics and modernising policies

  • RUR21-2020 Agricultural Markets and International trade in the context of sustainability objectives

Organising sustainable food and non-food value chains under changing conditions

  • RUR-05-2020 Connecting consumers and producers in innovative agri-food supply chains
  • RUR-06-2020 Innovative agri-food value chains: boosting sustainability-oriented competitiveness
  • RUR-07-2020 Reducing food losses and waste along the agri-food value chain
  • CE-RUR-08-2018-2019-2020 Closing nutrient cycles Innovation Action
  • CE-RUR-08-2018-2019-2020 Closing nutrient cycles Research and Innovation Action
  • LC-RUR-11-2019-2020 Sustainable wood value chains

Boosting innovation and enhancing the human and social capital in rural areas

  • RUR-15-2018-2019-2020 Thematic networks compiling knowledge ready for practice

Food and Natural Resources

  • FNR-01-2020 Strengthening the European agro-ecological research and innovation ecosystem
  • FNR-02-2020 Developing long-term monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the Common Agricultural Policy
  • FNR-03-2020 A comprehensive vision for urban agriculture
  • FNR-04-2020 Towards a European research and innovation roadmap on soils and land management
  • FNR-05-2020 Husbandry for quality and sustainability
  • LC-FNR-06-2020 Defossilising agriculture – solutions and pathways for fossil-energy-free farming
  • CE-FNR-07-2020 FOOD 2030 – Empowering cities as agents of food system transformation
  • FNR-08-2020 Supporting the food safety systems of the future
  • CE-FNR-09-2020 Pilot action for the removal of marine plastics and litter
  • FNR-10-2020 Public engagement for the Bioeconomy
  • FNR-11-2020 Prospecting aquatic and terrestrial natural biological resources for biologically active compounds
  • FNR-12-2020 Industrial microbiomes – learning from nature
  • LC-FNR-13-2020 Bio-based industries leading the way in turning carbon dioxide emission into chemicals
  • CE-FNR-14-2020 Innovative textiles – reinventing fashion
  • CE-FNR-15-2020 A network of European bioeconomy clusters to advance bio-based solutions in the primary production sector
  • FNR-16-2020 Enzymes for more-environment-friendly consumer products
  • CE-FNR-17-2020 Pilot circular bio-based cities – sustainable production of bio-based products from urban biowaste and wastewater
  • FNR-18-2020 Sustainability of bio-based products – international governance aspects and market uptake

El termini de presentació de propostes finalitza el 22 de gener de 2020.

Per a qualsevol consulta podeu contactar amb la Ruth Babington, de l’Oficina de Recerca i Innovació (rbabington@rectorat.url.edu).

+info: Work Programme, Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal