Cursos europeus sobre Propietat Intel·lectual

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imageL’IPR Helpdesk organitza diferents cursos relacionats amb la propietat intel•lectual en RDI durant els mesos de setembre i octubre de 2013.


Els cursos són online i tenen una durada de 60 minuts i la inscripció és gratuïta.


Els cursos tractaran sobre els temes següents:


IP in EU Funded Projects, 16 de setembre 2013:

  • What are the key characteristics of an EU funded project and the different participating partners?
  • Which IP aspects have to be considered in collaborative research projects?
  • At which stages of the project does IP matter?
  • Which rules exist within FP7 and what requirements have to be met?
  • Which terminology is used?
  • How do I define relevant background for my project?
  • How do I define ownership of foreground?
  • How do I set up a regime for granting access rights?

IP Explotation, 23 de setembre 2013:

  • What are the different business scenarios for IP exploitation?
  • What are the advantages and risks connected with the different business options?
  • How can IP exploitation be managed in the context of contractual research and development?
  • How does IP licensing work and what are the different license types and the crucial license conditions?
  • How does IP exploitation work within the context of the IPR Regime of the Seventh Framework Programme?
  • What are the five Technology Transfer Agreements practiced by the Enterprise Europe Network?

Introduction to IP, 7 d’octubre 2013:

  • What is Intellectual Property (IP)?
  • What are Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)?
  • Why should I deal with IP/IPR issues? Why should IP be an integral part of my business strategy? Which are the first steps to be taken?
  • Which IP protection tools exist/can I use (e. g. trademarks, patents etc.)?
  • To which institutions can I turn for help?
  • What do different IP titles cost?
  • How do I perform basic IP searches? Which tools exist?
  • What does counterfeiting mean?
  • How can IPR be enforced?
  • What are the basic mechanisms of making money with IP?

+ info: IPR Helpdesk