EU4Health – obertes 8 noves convocatòries

Comissió EuropeaL’Agència Executiva Europea en els àmbits de la Salut i Digital (HaDEA) ha obert 8 convocatòries de finançament de projectes en el marc del programa EU4Health, per a l’any 2022.

Les convocatòries, amb un pressupost total de 107,3 milions d’euros, es centren en enfocaments innovadors per al cribratge del càncer, les malalties no transmissibles, la salut mental, la tecnologia sanitària i les persones treballadores de l’àmbit de la salut.

Les convocatòries obertes són:

  • EU4H-2022-PJ-01: Call for proposals to monitor and strengthen the implementation of innovative approaches to prostate, lung and gastric cancer screening at Union level
  • EU4H-2022-PJ-02: Call for proposals on prevention of NCDs – other NCDs (different from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes)
  • EU4H-2022-PJ-03: Call for proposals on promoting mental health
  • EU4H-2022-PJ-04: Call for proposals to support the implementation of the Regulation on health technology assessment – training of patient and clinical experts contributing to joint health technology assessment activities
  • EU4H-2022-PJ-05: Call for proposals to support increased capacity of notified bodies for medical devices
  • EU4H-2022-PJ-06: Call for proposals to provide training for health workforce, including digital skills
  • EU4H-2022-PJ-07: Call for proposals to support Member States and other relevant actors to implement relevant results of innovative public health research in relation to vaccination against COVID-19
  • EU4H-2022-PJ-08: Call for proposals to develop early warning features and guidance in the area of pricing through the EURIPID database, based on competition cases

El termini per a la presentació de sol·licituds és el 24 de maig de 2022 a les 17.00.

Per a qualsevol consulta podeu contactar amb la Ruth Babington, de l’Oficina de Recerca i Innovació (

+info: Funding and tenders portal, Work programme
