Tesis durant el mes de juliol a la URL (1)

URLMercè Adalid Fuentes, Carolina Maria Raquel Bravo Manterota i Lluís Vicent Safont han assolit el grau de Doctor a la URL durant el mes de juliol:


Mercè Adalid Fuentes (Facultat de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport  Blanquerna) Anàlisi de la vivència d’ajuda en el marc d’un escenari relacional i propositiu d’apropiació i canvi (ERPAC). Estudi d’un cas, amb calificació Excel.lent Cum Laude, ha estat dirigida per la Dra. Marian Baqués Trenchs:


This qualitative study explores the experience of clients who had followed a counselling process in a relationship and help scenario that we have called ERPAC, in the context of a private hospital.


The aim has been to comprehend and describe this subjective experience. In order to achieve it, we have used the grounded theory method, an inductive process that allows us to create a hierarchy of categories that facilitates the development of theory of the helping experience grounded in empirical data from participants’ narratives and interviews, and the field notes synthesis of the counsellor. The analysis of the emerging categories of data is followed by a discussion in relation to other counselling research.


Finally we proposed some psyco-educative intervention principles that can become the foundation of future research consistent with counselling integration efforts.



Carolina Maria Raquel Bravo Manterota (Facultat de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport  Blanquerna) Calidad y equidad en la educación a través de un diseño curricular de integración escuela-comunidad para la inserción laboral de jóvenes, amb calificació Notable, ha estat dirigida per la Dra. Conxa Macià Sánchez:


The herein Doctoral Thesis develops a Model of Curricular Design focused on labor-oriented Secondary Education, for young people living in communes of the rural-urban  areas of Central Chile, particularly within the context of Educational Institutions depending on the Municipality of the Quintero Commune.


For its development its contents are organized in three parts. First part is focused on the description of Chilean Education within the educational scenario of Latin America between 1980 and 2005 analyzing elements such as structure of the educational system, from the Latin American point of view as the general ground as compared to the Chilean reality, particularly specifying for each reality features of the labor-oriented secondary education.


The second part depicts features of the Quintero Commune as representative of the rural-urban context of Central Chile, form the perspective of an analysis of the geographical, economical, social, educational and institutional conditions between 1980 and 2006.


The third part encompasses the proposal of the model of curricular design for secondary education labor preparation, conceptual grounds that support the curriculum, which is presented based on the stages of planning, implementation, assessment and feedback, serving as well as a link among school, business and municipality.



Lluís Vicent Safont (Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Electrònica i Informàtica La Salle) Propuesta e-learning para titulaciones de ingeniería en el espacio europeo de educación superior. El campus virtual mínimo, amb calificació Excel.lent Cum Laude, ha estat dirgida pel Dr. Guillem Bou Bauzà:


Education within the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA) brings changes not only in the contents, duration and number of university degrees but also in the way of teaching them. The countries included in the new Area must follow common norms which allow the official approval of the degrees in the different countries. EHEA will make students mobility among Europe member states easier. This mobility can be physical or virtual (through e-learning modalities of the degrees).


In this thesis, a view of the possibilities e-learning offers in technical degrees, and how it fits in the Bologna Process is presented. This Process suggests a new teaching methodology, more centered on the students, in which, a part from the specific knowledge from their degree, they must acquire generic abilities for the work they are going to carry out when they enter the working world.


A compendium of e-learning tools has been done (with some innovations) classifying them into content, communication and assessment tools. Effects of the modality of content in students learning have been studied. In addition, it has been analyzed, from a curricular perspective, the level of adequacy of each resource (including face to face resources) in the development of every competence. At conclusions, an answer to the question e-learning vs face to face sessions is offered.


Finally, a general method is proposed to define, from competences, the minimum set of resources (i.e. minimum virtual campus) needed in the teaching-learning process. Specially, the minimum set of resources a virtual campus must have in order to offer an engineering degree in e-learning format within EHEA are defined.


+ info: TDX