Obertes dues convocatòries de Salut del 7èPM

VII PMEl darrer 10 de juliol es van obrir la majoria de convocatòries del 7èPM del Programa de Treball 2013. A continuació exposem les dues convocatòries obertes del tema de Salut.


El programa té com a objectiu de millorar la salut de la ciutadania europea, augmentar la competitivitat i fomentar la capacitat innovadora de les indústries europees relacionades amb la salut.


Les prioritats de recerca pel 2013 són brain research, antimicrobial drug resistance and comparative effectiveness research complementades amb topics d’altres àrees com developing personalised medicines approaches, cardiovascular research, safety and efficacy of therapies, cancer and public health research and a horizontal activity for translating research results into innovative applications for health.

Les dues convocatòries obertes són:



Aquesta convocatòria inclou els següents topics:
0.1 HEALTH.2013.0-1: Boosting the translation of health research projects'results into innovative applications for health.
2.3.1 HEALTH.2013.2.3.1-1: Drugs and vaccines for infections that have developed or are at risk of developing significant anti-microbial resistance.

El termini per presentar propostes finalitza el 25 de setembre de 2012.


Els topics de la convocatòria s’adrecen en diferents àrees temàtiques:
1. Biotechnology, generic tools and medical technologies for human health
1.2 Detection, diagnosis and monitoring
1.3 Suitability, safety, efficacy of therapies
1.4 Innovative therapeutic approaches and interventions
2. Translating research for human health
2.1 Integrating biological data and processes: large-scale data gathering, systems biology
2.1.1 Large-scale data gathering
2.1.1-1 Functional validation in animal and cellular models of genetic determinants of diseases and ageing processes
2.1.1-2 High impact research initiative on metagenomics for personalised medicine approaches
2.2 Research on the brain and brain-related diseases, human development and ageing
2.2.1 Research on the brain and brain-related diseases
2.2.1-1 Traumatic brain injury
2.2.1-2, -3, -4, -5 Mental health, neurology and pain
2.3 Translational research in major infectious diseases: to confront major threats to public health
2.3.0 Cross-cutting priorities
2.3.1 Anti-microbial drug resistance
2.3.3 Emerging epidemics
2.3.4 Neglected diseases
2.4 Translational research in other major diseases
2.4.1 Cancer
2.4.2 Cardiovascular diseases
3. Optimising the delivery of healthcare to european citizens
3.1 Translating the results of clinical research outcome into clinical practice including better use of medicines, appropriate use of behavioural and organisational interventions and new health therapies and technologieshealth care systems
3.3 Health promotion and prevention
4. Other actions across the health theme
4.1 Coordination and support actions across the theme
4.2 Responding to eu policy needs


El termini per presentar propostes finalitza el 2 d’octubre de 2012.


+ info: Participant Portal